Function that adds a data frame to an (existing) .xlsx workbook sheet
Function that adds a data frame to an (existing) .xlsx workbook sheet
- Table
: data frame to be exported to the workbook sheet
- WbTitle
: workbook
- SheetTitle
: string used for the sheet's name
- TableTitle
: string used for the data frame's title
- StartRow
: export start line number in the sheet (by default 1)
- StartCol
: export start column number in the sheet (by default 1)
- FormatList
: list that indicates the format of each column of the data frame
- HeightTableTitle
: multiplier (if needed) for the height of the title line (by default 2)
- TableFootnote1
: string for TableFootnote1
- TableFootnote2
: string for TableFootnote2
- TableFootnote3
: string for TableFootnote3
- MergeCol
: character vector that indicates the columns for which to merge the modalities
- ByGroup
character vector indicating the name of the columns by which to group
- GroupName
boolean indicating whether the name of the grouping variable should be written
- asTable
logical indicating if data should be written as an Excel Table (FALSE by default)