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Low level function that implements the logic to to read input file by chunk and write a dataset.

It will:

  • calculate the number of row by chunk if needed;

  • loop over the input file by chunk;

  • write each output files.


  max_rows = NULL,
  max_memory = NULL,
  chunk_memory_sample_lines = 10000,
  compression = "snappy",
  compression_level = NULL,



a method to read input files. This method take only three arguments

input : some kind of data. Can be a skip : the number of row to skip n_max : the number of row to return

This method will be called until it returns a dataframe/tibble with zero row.


that indicates the path to the input. It can be anything you want but more often a file's path or a data.frame.


String that indicates the path to the directory where the output parquet file or dataset will be stored.


Number of lines that defines the size of the chunk. This argument can not be filled in if max_memory is used.


Memory size (in Mb) in which data of one parquet file should roughly fit.


Number of lines to read to evaluate max_memory. Default to 10 000.


compression algorithm. Default "snappy".


compression level. Meaning depends on compression algorithm.


Additional format-specific arguments, see arrow::write_parquet()


a dataset as return by arrow::open_dataset


# example with a dataframe

# we create the function to loop over the data.frame

read_method <- function(input, skip = 0L, n_max = Inf) {
  # if we are after the end of the input we return an empty data.frame
  if (skip+1 > nrow(input)) { return(data.frame()) }

  # return the n_max row from skip + 1
  input[(skip+1):(min(skip+n_max, nrow(input))),]

# we use it

  read_method = read_method,
  input = mtcars,
  path_to_parquet = tempfile(),
  max_rows = 10,
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file178f281f0cb1-1-10.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file178f281f0cb1-11-20.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file178f281f0cb1-21-30.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file178f281f0cb1-31-32.parquet...
#>  Data are available in parquet dataset under /tmp/Rtmp8qqupn/file178f281f0cb1/
#> Writing file178f281f0cb1-31-32.parquet...

# Example with haven::read_sas

# we need to pass two argument beside the 3 input, skip and n_max.
# We will use a closure :

my_read_closure <- function(encoding, columns) {
  function(input, skip = OL, n_max = Inf) {
    haven::read_sas(data_file = input,
                    n_max = n_max,
                    skip = skip,
                    encoding = encoding,
                    col_select = all_of(columns))

# we initialize the closure

read_method <- my_read_closure(encoding = "WINDOWS-1252", columns = c("Species", "Petal_Width"))

# we use it
  read_method = read_method,
  input = system.file("examples","iris.sas7bdat", package = "haven"),
  path_to_parquet = tempfile(),
  max_rows = 75,
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file178f2b22cf6d-1-75.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file178f2b22cf6d-76-150.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#>  Data are available in parquet dataset under /tmp/Rtmp8qqupn/file178f2b22cf6d/
#> Reading data...