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This function allows to convert an input file to parquet format.

It handles SAS, SPSS and Stata files in a same function. There is only one function to use for these 3 cases. For these 3 cases, the function guesses the data format using the extension of the input file (in the path_to_file argument).

Two conversions possibilities are offered :

  • Convert to a single parquet file. Argument path_to_parquet must then be used;

  • Convert to a partitioned parquet file. Additionnal arguments partition and partitioning must then be used;

To avoid overcharging R's RAM, the conversion can be done by chunk. One of arguments max_memory or max_rows must then be used. This is very useful for huge tables and for computers with little RAM because the conversion is then done with less memory consumption. For more information, see here.


  max_memory = NULL,
  max_rows = NULL,
  chunk_size = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  chunk_memory_size = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  columns = "all",
  by_chunk = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  skip = 0,
  partition = "no",
  encoding = NULL,
  chunk_memory_sample_lines = 10000,
  compression = "snappy",
  compression_level = NULL,
  user_na = FALSE,



String that indicates the path to the input file (don't forget the extension).


String that indicates the path to the directory where the parquet files will be stored.


Memory size (in Mb) in which data of one parquet file should roughly fit.


Number of lines that defines the size of the chunk. This argument can not be filled in if max_memory is used.


DEPRECATED use max_rows


DEPRECATED use max_memory


Character vector of columns to select from the input file (by default, all columns are selected).


DEPRECATED use max_memory or max_rows instead


By default 0. This argument must be filled in if by_chunk is TRUE. Number of lines to ignore when converting.


String ("yes" or "no" - by default) that indicates whether you want to create a partitioned parquet file. If "yes", "partitioning" argument must be filled in. In this case, a folder will be created for each modality of the variable filled in "partitioning". Be careful, this argument can not be "yes" if max_memory or max_rows argument are not NULL.


String that indicates the character encoding for the input file.


Number of lines to read to evaluate max_memory. Default to 10 000.


compression algorithm. Default "snappy".


compression level. Meaning depends on compression algorithm.


If TRUE variables with user defined missing will be read into haven::labelled_spss() objects. If FALSE, the default, user-defined missings will be converted to NA.


Additional format-specific arguments, see arrow::write_parquet() and arrow::write_dataset() for more informations.


Parquet files, invisibly


# Conversion from a SAS file to a single parquet file :

  path_to_file = system.file("examples","iris.sas7bdat", package = "haven"),
  path_to_parquet = tempfile(fileext = ".parquet")
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data...
#>  Data are available in parquet file under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file168328b07e6f.parquet
#> Writing data...

#> Reading data...

#>  The /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/haven/examples/iris.sas7bdat file is available in parquet format under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file168328b07e6f.parquet
#> Reading data...

# Conversion from a SPSS file to a single parquet file :

  path_to_file = system.file("examples","iris.sav", package = "haven"),
  path_to_parquet = tempfile(fileext = ".parquet"),
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data...
#>  Data are available in parquet file under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file168357d2a061.parquet
#> Writing data...

#> Reading data...

#>  The /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/haven/examples/iris.sav file is available in parquet format under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file168357d2a061.parquet
#> Reading data...

# Conversion from a Stata file to a single parquet file without progress bar :

  path_to_file = system.file("examples","iris.dta", package = "haven"),
  path_to_parquet = tempfile(fileext = ".parquet")
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data...
#>  Data are available in parquet file under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file16836ebcb325.parquet
#> Writing data...

#> Reading data...

#>  The /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/haven/examples/iris.dta file is available in parquet format under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file16836ebcb325.parquet
#> Reading data...

# Reading SPSS file by chunk (using `max_rows` argument)
# and conversion to multiple parquet files :

  path_to_file = system.file("examples","iris.sav", package = "haven"),
  path_to_parquet = tempfile(),
  max_rows = 50,
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file16837b3e2bee-1-50.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file16837b3e2bee-51-100.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file16837b3e2bee-101-150.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#>  Data are available in parquet dataset under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file16837b3e2bee/
#> Reading data...

# Reading SPSS file by chunk (using `max_memory` argument)
# and conversion to multiple parquet files of 5 Kb when loaded (5 Mb / 1024)
# (in real files, you should use bigger value that fit in memory like 3000
# or 4000) :

  path_to_file = system.file("examples","iris.sav", package = "haven"),
  path_to_parquet = tempfile(),
  max_memory = 5 / 1024
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file16833ec469fd-1-82.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file16833ec469fd-83-150.parquet...
#>  Data are available in parquet dataset under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file16833ec469fd/
#> Writing file16833ec469fd-83-150.parquet...

# Reading SAS file by chunk of 50 lines with encoding
# and conversion to multiple files :

  path_to_file = system.file("examples","iris.sas7bdat", package = "haven"),
  path_to_parquet = tempfile(),
  max_rows = 50,
  encoding = "utf-8"
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file16837f26115c-1-50.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file16837f26115c-51-100.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file16837f26115c-101-150.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#>  Data are available in parquet dataset under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file16837f26115c/
#> Reading data...

# Conversion from a SAS file to a single parquet file and select only
# few columns  :

  path_to_file = system.file("examples","iris.sas7bdat", package = "haven"),
  path_to_parquet = tempfile(fileext = ".parquet"),
  columns = c("Species","Petal_Length")
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data...
#>  Data are available in parquet file under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file168311f126bc.parquet
#> Writing data...

#> Reading data...

#>  The /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/haven/examples/iris.sas7bdat file is available in parquet format under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file168311f126bc.parquet
#> Reading data...

# Conversion from a SAS file to a partitioned parquet file  :

  path_to_file = system.file("examples","iris.sas7bdat", package = "haven"),
  path_to_parquet = tempfile(),
  partition = "yes",
  partitioning =  c("Species") # vector use as partition key
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data...
#>  Data are available in parquet dataset under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file168334d7c55b
#> Writing data...

#> Reading data...

#>  The /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/haven/examples/iris.sas7bdat file is available in parquet format under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file168334d7c55b
#> Reading data...

# Reading SAS file by chunk of 50 lines
# and conversion to multiple files with zstd, compression level 10

if (isTRUE(arrow::arrow_info()$capabilities[['zstd']])) {
    path_to_file = system.file("examples","iris.sas7bdat", package = "haven"),
    path_to_parquet = tempfile(),
    max_rows = 50,
    compression = "zstd",
    compression_level = 10
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file168362b6a49a-1-50.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file168362b6a49a-51-100.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing file168362b6a49a-101-150.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#>  Data are available in parquet dataset under /tmp/RtmprNE1Ya/file168362b6a49a/
#> Reading data...