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This function allows to convert a SQL query from a DBI to parquet format.

It handles all DBI supported databases.

Two conversions possibilities are offered :

  • Convert to a single parquet file. Argument `path_to_parquet` must then be used;

  • Convert to a partitioned parquet file. Additionnal arguments `partition` and `partitioning` must then be used;

Examples explain how to convert a query to a chunked dataset


  chunk_memory_sample_lines = 10000,
  partition = "no",
  compression = "snappy",
  compression_level = NULL,



A DBIConnection object, as return by DBI::dbConnect


a character string containing an SQL query (this argument is passed to DBI::dbSendQuery)


String that indicates the path to the directory where the parquet files will be stored.


Memory size (in Mb) in which data of one parquet file should roughly fit.


Number of lines that defines the size of the chunk. This argument can not be filled in if max_memory is used.


Number of lines to read to evaluate max_memory. Default to 10 000.


String ("yes" or "no" - by default) that indicates whether you want to create a partitioned parquet file. If "yes", `"partitioning"` argument must be filled in. In this case, a folder will be created for each modality of the variable filled in `"partitioning"`. Be careful, this argument can not be "yes" if `max_memory` or `max_rows` argument are not NULL.


compression algorithm. Default "snappy".


compression level. Meaning depends on compression algorithm.


additional format-specific arguments, see arrow::write_parquet() and arrow::write_dataset() for more informations.


A parquet file, invisibly


# Conversion from a sqlite dbi connection to a single parquet file :

dbi_connection <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(),
  system.file("extdata","iris.sqlite",package = "parquetize"))

# Reading iris table from local sqlite database
# and conversion to one parquet file :

  conn = dbi_connection,
  sql_query = "SELECT * FROM iris",
  path_to_parquet = tempfile(fileext=".parquet"),
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data...
#>  Data are available in parquet file under /tmp/RtmpTd607Q/file185473387772.parquet
#> Writing data...

#> Reading data...

# Reading iris table from local sqlite database by chunk (using
# `max_memory` argument) and conversion to multiple parquet files

  conn = dbi_connection,
  sql_query = "SELECT * FROM iris",
  path_to_parquet = tempdir(),
  max_memory = 2 / 1024
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data in part-1-42.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data in part-43-84.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data in part-85-126.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data in part-127-150.parquet...
#>  Parquet dataset is available under /tmp/RtmpTd607Q/
#> Writing data in part-127-150.parquet...

# Using chunk and partition together is not possible directly but easy to do :
# Reading iris table from local sqlite database by chunk (using
# `max_memory` argument) and conversion to arrow dataset partitioned by
# species

# get unique values of column "iris from table "iris"
partitions <- get_partitions(dbi_connection, table = "iris", column = "Species")

# loop over those values
for (species in partitions) {
    conn = dbi_connection,
    # use glue_sql to create the query filtering the partition
    sql_query = glue::glue_sql("SELECT * FROM iris where Species = {species}",
                               .con = dbi_connection),
    # add the partition name in the output dir to respect parquet partition schema
    path_to_parquet = file.path(tempdir(), "iris", paste0("Species=", species)),
    max_memory = 2 / 1024,
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data in part-1-31.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data in part-32-50.parquet...
#>  Parquet dataset is available under /tmp/RtmpTd607Q/iris/Species=setosa/
#> Writing data in part-32-50.parquet...

#> Reading data...
#> Writing data in part-1-31.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data in part-32-50.parquet...
#>  Parquet dataset is available under /tmp/RtmpTd607Q/iris/Species=versicolor/
#> Writing data in part-32-50.parquet...

#> Reading data...
#> Writing data in part-1-31.parquet...
#> Reading data...
#> Writing data in part-32-50.parquet...
#>  Parquet dataset is available under /tmp/RtmpTd607Q/iris/Species=virginica/
#> Writing data in part-32-50.parquet...

# If you need a more complicated query to get your partitions, you can use
# dbGetQuery directly :
col_to_partition <- DBI::dbGetQuery(dbi_connection, "SELECT distinct(`Species`) FROM `iris`")[,1]